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Although care has been taken in preparing the information contained on this site, the information is provided for general disclosure purposes only, and TRIFED does not, and cannot, provide any warranty, guarantee or promise express or implied concerning the content, completeness, accuracy, currency or otherwise of any individual item of information provided through the site. The information on the site is provided on the basis that all persons accessing the site take responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content, and TRIFED suggests that users requiring confirmation of any information should confirm the accuracy of information with TRIFED.
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TRIFED is not responsible for the contents, information or services which may appear on any off site pages, web sites or links referenced. The presence of a hyper-link from a page on one of tribesindia ‘ WWW servers is for convenience only and does not imply any kind of endorsement by TRIFED of those pages or links, or any endorsement of the contents or material on them. TRIFED is not responsible for the use of a hyper-link for which a commercial charge applies, and individual users are responsible for any charges that their use may incur.
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